Saturday, 10 February 2018

Wayne's Lookout

We have been staying at Caboolture showgrounds the past couple of weeks and the weather has been very hot and sticky, above average temps so they say. Most days we have been doing afternoon walks around the showgrounds or up the street towards the equestion centre.

On one of these hot sticky morning we decide to take a drive up the sunshine coast to Manley. Which is between Kenilworth and Mapleton,
On a road called Obi Obi road.

There is  a one way only up road,the  ups roads are rather steep and windy with some very beautiful views of the valley, however there is not many places to pull over to view the valley.

Wayne's lookout (brother 25/2/1969 -27/9/2017)
 When we could pull over to view the valley.

 We discovered quiet unexpected but very appropriate at the time.
 A tree with a sign 
attached saying 
"Wayne's Lookout" 
from here we drove 
up to the glasshouse
mountains lookout. 



Saturday, 3 February 2018

Miva change of plan

Saturday 3rd Feb 2018

     From a wet couple of days at Caboolture. we have decided to pack up the van (yes packing up while raining) and travel  along the Old Bruce Highway to Miva, which is north-west of Gympie.

    The road we have to take to get to Miva is a dirt road or as the sign says unsealed. We start off on a dirt/ unsealed road only to discover that they have sealed the remaining section to Miva. 

     Along the way the scenery changed several times, from open flat country farms to rather thick vegetation of either gum-trees or pine trees, one moment we are traveling past hills covered in large rocks to turn the next corner to be back amongst the open country farms. There are several narrow bridges to cross and you have to keep and eye out for cattle as you are driving through unfenced property.  (this is my job as I am the navigator)

      However our plan of staying at Dickabram Bridge Rest Area Miva changed when we arrive to find that the area was rather wet(as it had been raining all day) and nowhere dry to park the van. Dickabram bridge is the oldest road and rail crossing left in Qld.
    Another disappointment was that the Bridge was under reconstruction by council and we could not get any photos. Never mind, we did find the Dickabram cemetery where we stopped and photographed  the small cemetery  again dodging the rain drops. 

 Miva is a small rest area next to the impressively historic Dickabram Bridge. It has a lovely panaramic view which crosses the Mary River.

    *Our change of plans was that we drive to Biggenden and stay there a few nights.